Getting to know me..

Hi to those who are reading, & to you who don’t already know.. my name is Ashley I am a 22 year old young woman from Essex and I have Depression, Anxiety & Pica syndrome.

Now Breath….
Even saying that out loud to myself is a challenge…
My depression first began when I was pregnant with my 5 year old daughter Lillie-Mai, I think the reason I became depressed was due to being a young first time mum, thinking that I wouldn’t cope, not having great support from my parter at the time & just general mother worries. I actually tried to take my own life twice, the first time I tried my daughter was a week and a half old.. I know selfish right? I know that’s what you must thinking, I used to think the same before I had depression. I also self harmed on a regular basis almost everyday…  The second time I tired to end it all I think my daughter was around 2 years old. I just locked myself in my mum’s bathroom popping pill after pill and piercing scissors so deep into my skin until I bled out.. my mum was my saviour that day.. I’m so glad she came in when she did as I don’t think I’d be here today if she didn’t… not only her but i had great support from my friend Kayley who helped so much with my daughter whilst battling this nightmare, i would have been lost without her some days, she still doesn’t realise how much of an impact the little things she done to help me pick myself up had on me, she was like the happy pill that I needed….
I got help the next day and was put on anti depressants.. i dont actually beleive that they help o think they just take the edge off and i didnt want to become reliable on them so I came off of them and got on with my life.. still battling EVERYDAY but no where near as bad… but you know what they say? When one door closed another one opens.. let me introduce to you my battle of each day… meet anxiety!

2 thoughts on “Getting to know me..

  1. I’m proud of you babe sharing your story! I finding blogging can be like a therapy and your brave sharing this about yourself I’m your first follower! If you have any blogging questions just ask 😙

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